Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Lot of Ears

We have a band called WhiteWolfSonicPrincess. It's one of those names that sort of rolls off the tongue, but doesn't easily stick in people's heads.

We often have to repeat it slowly, over and over to someone new to the band. Sometimes we shorten it to WWSP. There's always some head-scratching over that too.

I came up with the name on a whim. Sometimes you are stuck with your whims.

Anyway, we have breached the over 10,000 plays mark over at MySpace. It sort of seems like an accomplishment, although it's really just a virtual accomplishment or maybe it's just a "psuedo-event," kind of like a virtual mirage.

Admittedly, some of those plays were just the Lovely Carla and I listening to our own music, which is kind of a self-reverential kind of thing to do, but hell, if you can't indulge your own whims, who can?

So yes, over 10,000 plays of our songs. A lot of free listening. Won't buy a cup of coffee. Still it's kind of cool to think that some of our songs have found life out in the virtual environment.

BTW - if you get a chance go over to the site and check out "Shadow Boxing." It's a rough rehearsal version of a new song featuring our new violin player and our new bassist. It's a little raw, but a new sound is emerging. Very exciting.

WWSP lives!