Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Kid is In!

As one of our friends in Famous in the Future recently put it: 2010 Totally Zen!

The new year means new blood. We're expanding our band piece by piece. We've been doing the WhiteWolfSonicPrincess project for a while now. The Lovely Carla and I are intent on a larger sound.

So we added a new drummer (he's superb), and we recently auditioned a young violinist named Michael. He's young, so young, young enough to be our love child.

He is a gifted musician. So serious and quiet. We were a little worried that maybe he wouldn't fit in with our creative vibe. But the sound was right. Oh so right.

Well, at yesterday's rehearsal, when Michael unveiled his electric violin there were two tell-tale stickers on his violin case. Kind of answered any lingering doubts.

One was an Obama '08 sticker and the other was a Jimi Hendrix sticker. No doubt, the kid is in!