Monday, January 25, 2010

Hell Hound on My Trail

It's true there are dogs from hell. Hell Hounds. I know you're probably thinking Cujo - a black mastiff, flaming red eyes - a figment of Stephen King's fevered brain.

I'm here to tell you that the true Hell Hound is a brown-eyed, fluffy white Labra-Doddle named Happy. He' got me on the run. He haunts my dreams. He wears on me, weighs on me. He is pulling me down into the pit of despair.

I'm doing all I can to get this beast behind me. He is a marvel of pure appetite.

His fur clings to anyone who touches him. His fur is toxic. I'm choking on his fur. I have become his best friend, his only connection to life.

I need to get away from this creature. And fast. I'm sure there is a circle of hell known as "Happy's Circle."