Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Ghost of Lombardi

The Ghost of Vince Lombardi made a visit. He kicked my ass. He was smoking a ciggy and had a glass of bourbon in his hand. I almost got lost staring at the little gap in his toothy smile.

The Ghost of Vince Lombardi was in a good mood. Adversity always just gives the old Ghost a kick in the drawers.

He tells me, he's been watching us. Figures Old Glory is looking pretty tattered. Riddled with parasites who are sucking the life out of our blessed country. The Ghost of Vince Lombardi knows that the country was founded on blood. It's been blessed by blood.

It's a country that's always been drowning in the blood of the poor and down-trodden. Ask Sitting Bull about that one. And of course the Power Brokers and the Filthy Rich have us all by the short and curlies.

So the Ghost of Vince Lombardi told me he was going to make a visit to that big old white mansion in Washington. He was going to visit Barack Obama, kind of swoop in while he is sleeping, and whisper in his very large and expectant ear, whisper the only message worth conveying at the moment...

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going."