Saturday, August 22, 2009

Not Freaking Nazis?!

Kim Morgan interviews Quentin Tarantino.

He's one of the few directors that compel me to buy an opening night ticket. His latest is "Inglourious Basterds."

I don't want to knock it. It's well-made, well-acted. Brad Pitt doesn't channel Clark Cable, he channels George Clooney channeling Clark Gable.

It's a movie about movies. WW II movies. Tarantino re-writes history. Makes it more satisfying, I suppose. But the Nazi thing has totally been driven into the freaking ground. Talk about a well-travelled road.

I had high expectations. Tarantino has to live up to his own back catalog: Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill Vol. 1&2, and Death Proof. He has set a high standard. He has created his own genre with some of his innovations.

Maybe it will sit better the second time around. It didn't totally knock me out. I wanted to be knocked out!