Saturday, August 15, 2009

Marvel at the Splendor

Hey this is cool. Terry Flamm over at Broken Hearted Toy gave "This Car Available" from WhiteWolfSonicPrincess a little write-up. Plus he explains how the band evolved out of our Black Forest Theater work.

I like this: "They drift through 13 indie rock songs like a couple of hipsters."

And this: "Even when you weren’t sure what was going on in a Black Forest production, Carla and Jimmy’s engaging stage presence and clever dialogue pulled you in."

We were audience members for night one of the 21st Abbie Fest last night. Richard Cotovsky was in fine form as Abbie and he kicked it all off with his great, inspiring Abbie rant.

Plus there was some great laughs from the Plagarists and Red Ink Theater two very impressive Chicago theater companies. The Plagiarists feature some stunningly good writing, always wildly inventive.

Tonight we do our piece called "The Drugs," which is loosely inspired by David Bowie and "Low." It has never seen the light of day, it will be the first time out in the world. Plus there's lots of other interesting stuff to see. We'll spend lots of time in a little black box theater this hot summer day!

The good life.