Friday, July 31, 2009

We are the Circus!

We are working on our funky little storefront space. Still, lots to do, cleaning up, re-configuring, then there's the plumbing, electrical stuff, painting walls and floors.

We have help - which helps.

It is amazing how much attention we have attracted in our neighborhood. I guess there's something about clearing out a new space. Everyone wants to fill it up.

We have our own plans - music, theater, art gallery.

It is really cool to have a project. I actually love working with my hands. I'm especially good with a sledge-hammer! Breaking stuff is my forte!

So it's like we're getting ready for the circus to come to town and the anticipation is building. It dawned on me yesterday that we are the circus! We are our own high-wire act, we are fire-eaters, sword-swallowers, bearded ladies!

We are the freaks! And it feels good.