Monday, July 20, 2009

The Great Evanston Flower Massacre!

My two favorite Guerilla Gardeners are getting a lot of press lately. The Lovely Carla and the equally Lovely Charlotte lead the Guerilla Gardening Group "Trowels on the Prowl."

They seed-bombed a local lot in our neighborhood. All kinds of beautiful wildflowers were beginning to bloom, and then someone mowed the lot.

I'm calling it the Great Evanston Flower Massacre. I'm thinking we need Arlo Gutherie to write a song about it sort of like:

"You can do anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant."

So then we put up signs that asked, "Who killed the Flowers?" "Please Don't Mow!" "Let the Meadow Grow!"

And then the press got involved. You can't stop the flowers. You can't stop the flower bearers! I'm expecting another seed-bombing some time soon!