Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Golden Orb

I had this vision. It was crystal clear, like I was really experiencing it, and if you think that psychic energy is no different than any other kind of energy, then well, I probably really was. If you know what I mean.

Remember in Woody Allen's Sleeper, when he was pretending to be a robot and he was a waiter at the party and he and all the guests started fondling the Golden Orb?

Well, in my vision, I was fondling a Golden Orb! It wasn't an orgasmic kind of thing, but sort of elevating, or enlightening. And as my great teacher over at Psychic Everyday tells me, yes, you must honor your visions. They are a gift.

And ever since all kinds of cool things have been happening. People giving me money, and gifts, and helping build our new arts space. I have lately been showered with good will and money and positive vibes. And well, I'm doing my part too. I'm accepting it all with wonder and grace.

Nice vision.