Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dunderheads Unite! Act Now to Save the Earth!

The Age of Stupid sounds like a movie worth seeing. Might have to pin my eyelids open like Macolm Macdowell in Clockwork Orange to actually get through it.

I just read this review of the film in the New York Times. Not sure when it will open in the heartland. As always, the film industry seems to think we're just a bunch of dunderheads (might be right!) here in the Midwest.

According to Stephen Holden the movie is a "frightening jeremiad" about Climate Change. And then there is this:

"Others may find the challenges to humanity posed by the documentary so daunting that “The Age of Stupid” (the Archivist’s sarcastic nickname for our time) may convince viewers that, practically speaking, it is already too late to act. Cynics may assume that the ethic of consumerism is too deeply instilled in us to be changed, as is the faith in capitalism, which depends on continuous growth. If so, we might as well put the coming horrors out of our minds and live for the moment, while hoping for a miracle."