Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cheney and the Assassins

Well, if it was secret it had to be a good one right? I mean I guess this one was such a good one, no one except Cheney and a few CIA operatives were in the know, and Mr. Darth Vader Cheney, well, he made sure everyone kept it on the down low.

No reason for Congress, or the American People (the great dim bystanders) to worry their fool heads about it. You just know Cheney had our best interests at heart. Sure.

Smacks of the worst kinds of abuses of power. Somehow Cheney was able to turn one of the hollowest of office jobs (Vice President - he's the guy who waits around just in case the other guy up and dies) into a little fiefdom wielding all the great dark powers known to modern man.

No sense comparing him to other masters of abuse, Cheney really is in a class by himself. He thrived in the shadows, answerable to no one, except Junior, who really didn't seem to know his ass from a hole in the ground.

We desperately need some dedicated investigative journalists to do some digging. Here's hoping. My money is on Seymour Hersh to help find the bodies and make an accounting. For those of us who still have a dim hope for our teetering democratic experiment, okay maybe it's not teetering, maybe it's already basically crashed and burned, still can't we pick up the pieces and try to re-make it?

From the ashes the Phoenix rises. Or do I mean the Phoenix Program? Such a shameful legacy. The American Karma train is packed with bad faith and dead bodies.