Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Telepaths

The Telepaths played at the Mutiny (check out the famous Mutiny urinal) yesterday afternoon. It was a r&r BBQ. Kind of a can't miss combo. I thought we were playing a little hole in the wall place, but it turned out to be a beautifully laid out classic Chicago-style bar, with cheap beer and eats.

The sound system and sound guy were probably the best we've worked with so far. And the band itself was in great form. Our new drummer and bass player have opened up a new door for us. Both are incredibly accomplished musicians and our r&r IQ has gone up tremendously.

We played for nearly an hour and the audience cried for more. I was ready and willing to play another set, but it was our lead singer's birthday, and he was ready to delve into the party scene.

We all reveled in the good vibes of a show well done. It's great to watch this little creative enterprise continue to evolve.

The Telepaths Rock!