Friday, May 29, 2009

"She knelt in the dust, in the shadow of the rose, the rose loomed above her, like a shelter, a canopy, a container of love."

Our theater company, Black Forest will be doing it's last show at the Peter Jones Gallery tonight and tomorrow. The show is called "The Thorn and the Rose." Music, video, live performance. It's a real hybrid.

Peter Jones Gallery will be closing after over 20 years of existence (we been doing shows there for about 9 years). Kind of a sad event. Something I haven't really processed yet. It's maybe sort of emblematic of the era we are in, lots of endings and uncertainty.

So the gallery is complete chaos, there will be a big rummage sale, and everything is sort of cluttered and chaotic. Except for our performance space, a clean, open space, where we will put on a show.

We are trying to create something beautiful, mysterious, unknowable in the middle of a crumbling, disappearing world. That's kind of been our mission from the beginning, except we didn't really know it.

Now we're living it.