Sunday, May 03, 2009

Magic is the Method!

I'd wager I was the only being in the universe yesterday, all dressed in black, wearing the dead man's military boots, sipping an iced mocha latte, listening to Roxy Music's first album on an iPod, taking the train to heart of Chicago to bet the Derby.

I exist!

And if I didn't would someone have taken my place?

I almost didn't make the trip. Before I got on that train, after all was said and done, all the research, making my picks, counting out my money, I hesitated, thinking, "Do I really want to battle the ponies today?" I mean, I actually said the words out loud. The Lovely Carla heard me and replied, "What happened, did you lose your MOJO?"

I decided right then and there, that no, my MOJO was still intact. Of course I was gonna bet the Derby!

And I went down in flames! All my horses were left in the mud. Running backwards! Humbling. No, I did not need that lesson, again.

And looking over the Racing Form this morning, I must say, I still wouldn't bet on the winner, Mine that Bird. Not in a million years. It just doesn't add up. I mean, I guess knowing what I know today, I'd bet on him, but only because I know he won.

There's nothing that you can point to to say, "This is my horse!" Nothing really to recommend. I mean, he does have four legs, and they all work. Still, on paper Mine that Bird should have come in just about last.

But there's the race, and as Godinla says, it was a great race. Mine that Bird, a little scrawny kind of horse, found an opening on the rail and bolted for daylight. Left the field well behind. A rousing performance. Everything had to be just right. And it was.

And guess what? The Lovely Carla picked him. Before I left I read off the names of the horses and she listened and then said,"Mine that Bird, bet him $5 to place." I did. And she won. Big time. $5 to place and she's gonna collect $135!

That's the way you do it! Freaking Magic! There's another lesson in there somewhere...