Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hall of Mirrors!

Supposedly we have these "mirror neurons" in our brains. You eat a banana, and in my brain, I mirror your action, these neurons allow me to empathize with your action. I'm eating the banana too, but I don't get the calories!

Maybe this explains the whole porno industry. Tommie Lee has sex with Pamela Andersen, and well, let's just say, I "don't get any on me!"

There are some people who have more mirror neurons than others. This may explain mind-reading, empathy, imitation. Monkey see, monkey do.

And what does this say for artistic types? Someone like Bob Dylan is a mirror to the world. He mirrors the world, and the world recognizes itself in his mirror. If he puts on mirror shades, he mirrors the mirror, which mirrors the mirror, or something like that.

I mean, I guess the whole she-bang, the shooting match is like just one big hall or mirrors. To paraphrase Mirror Man Dylan: "I'll let you be in my mirror if I can be in yours."