Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Odd Ducks*

I do like my people to be smart, funny, articulate and creative.

* I originally titled this post, "Vanishing Breed?" But really, I don't think it's about breeding at all. The circumstances of our births are pretty much circumstantial. And I don't think they are vanishing either, just rare. These are the kind of ducks who don't like to be put in a row.

All of us are capable. Each and every one of us. We are human beings.



In the moment.


How do we choose to be in the world? What do we value? How do we treat each other?

I think it's more a question of choosing to be awake or asleep. There's upsides and downsides to both.

I drink way too much coffee to hang with the sleeping ones for long. So I put myself in the "awake" category, although, to be honest, I could be just a light sleeper.