Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Cloud

It seems we don't know what we know until we know it. And we don't really know what we know until the moment's over, the dust has settled, and we're looking back at the wreckage, or the post-party, or whatever.

So it's one of those things like, you're in the moment, and moment sort of seems like chaos, unknowable, and you think you know what's going on, but you're quite not sure. You're looking for clues, details to hang onto. And you surmise. And plan and hope.

And then the thing happens, the world unfolds, the moment passes, and then there's some kind of dawning. Oh yeah. That's it. Or you think you know. And you move on. Although everything is fungible or up for re-evaluation. And maybe that re-evaluation goes on for a lifetime.

And that's kind of the cloud we live in.