Thursday, April 23, 2009

Big Brother Sucks!

Hey it's all over the news, I'm not gonna bother to find a link. The Black Hell of Illegal Torture consumed a good portion of the last administration. It is no surprise. Very old news.

Still it's kind of amazing how many supposedly bright, high-profile people approved methods that were clearly violations of international law. And there is a good portion of the Washington establishment: politicians, and media pundits who are basically cheerleaders for torture. And there's probably plenty of people out in the heartland who have no problem with torture either.

There should be a "perp walk" of some prominent people in the near future. Whether it will happen or not is anybody's guess. Probably not. But if not, it only shows that a sickness and corruption has over-taken the body politic. If we can't get the basics right, then we are truly fucked.