Saturday, March 14, 2009

Totally Asshole Free!

It's tough times, weird times.

I used to work with some real grade A, number one, USDA choice assholes (note: if you think I'm talking about you, please see disclaimer to the right!).

The money was pretty good. I was a successful front for a bunch of idiots.

I'm happy to say that now I am totally asshole free. I only work with people who I know, trust and respect.

It's probably the most important lesson I've learned over the years. You think you can handle the assholes, that somehow they won't bring you down, that you can make it, defend yourself, survive.

It's not worth the effort. Avoid the assholes at all costs. Take a different job. Take lower pay, become a dog-walker, start your own business, sell your blood, whatever!

I am asshole free. And if I encounter an asshole I call them out and move on. Of course, they are everywhere, you must always be on guard.

Which is OK. Be aware. Be alert at all times. It's the only way to go.