Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Never Give a Sucker an Even Break

I think Matt Taibbi may be the Hunter S. Thompson of the Post Bubble Years. Maybe without the ether and the poppers and the Wild Turkey, although, who knows, it's likely that Matt has some of his own kinks too.

I mean really Matt and Hunter S. have very little in common except maybe a jaundiced eye for the absurd, and the knack for a good turn of phrase.

Anyway Matt's got a great overview of the "global economic crisis" in Rolling Stone, it's online so you don't really have to buy the magazine, which is a good thing me thinks, because that glitzy piece of celebrity trash seems light years away from the glory days of Jann Wenner's late 60's counter-cultural rag.

One man's counter-cultural marker is another man's urinal. Or something like that.

Taibbi kind of explains the unexplainable and sort of makes it all hilariously understandable. We've been fucking swindled. And the folks who have done the swindling are now threatening to shoot the puppy if we don't shovel more cash down their greedy fucking gullets.

Welcome to the Audacity of Hope!

"These people were never about anything except turning money into money, in order to get more money; valueswise they're on par with crack addicts, or obsessive sexual deviants who burgle homes to steal panties. Yet these are the people in whose hands our entire political future now rests. Good luck with that, America." - Matt Taibbi