Monday, March 09, 2009

Dealer of Choice

Maybe it's a sign when your Dealer of Choice, uses your image (that's Brian Kim one of the K Brothers, the Lovely Carla and I in the picture) as an example of a happy satisfied customer on their web site ?

Anyone who reads this blog, knows I have a deep and abiding addiction to coffee. This is my rocket fuel of choice. I usually brew up a nice pot of the black gold in the morning to get me going, to assure that "dumps" to "sunny" transformation. It usually works.

Later, sometime during the day, I inevitably find myself at the Brothers K Coffeehouse (their coffee concoctions and baristas are top of the pops) on the corner. This is the neighborhood hub, the place to meet and greet. It has become the focal point for my little neighborhood tribe.

Anyway the Brothers K Coffeehouse has a new website and it's one of the nicest looking websites I've ever seen. Beautifully designed by Jonathan Liss.

If you are ever in the hood, come on and check it out. I'll probably be there hunkered over a latte, or possibly easing off on a hot chocolate. What a way to go...