Monday, March 16, 2009

Age of the Truth-teller

I do think this is the new age of the truth-teller. The last few days everything I see and hear seems to reinforce this intuition.

First there was the Jon Stewart thing. Then I read an article about Tony (Fuck You) Gilroy, a filmmaker/screenwriter trying to navigate the supremely compromising world of major movie-making.

Then I saw Gilroy's film "Michael Clayton," with it's theme of corporate corruption, and how we are all part of a game where everyone is only in it for themselves. A game of no trust, no truth, except the corrupting luxury of money.

Gilroy shows us that sometimes truth is as awkward, as unwelcome, as jarring, as distasteful, as a naked man ranting in a conference room.

And if you build a society that only values money, you have a society of no values at all.

And then The Lovely Carla bought Antony and the Johnson's new disc, "The Crying Light." It's a superb disc of beauty and truth. Heart-breaking, breath-taking and inspiring.

The truth can do that to you.