Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sometimes it's fun to be fooled.

Re-inflating bubbles seems like a fools game. I do think the ground is moving beneath us. We all know. Even those of us who don't know. Or don't want to know - those who still want to believe that the bubble world is real.

Some think all we need to do is re-inflate the bubble and everything can go back to the way it was before we all saw that bubble economy was just an elaborate con game. Once you realize you've been hustled, it's hard to put that Confidence Toothpaste back in the tube.

Those big-time, big shots on Wall Street, those bankers down on main street were all living the Scarface Ethos. They ripped us off. All of us. And many of us gladly let them. We ripped ourselves off too. We wanted to believe in the Scarface Ethos too.

Unlimited growth in nature is called, Cancer. One of those scary fucking words. I think it's obvious that our Bubble Economy was a cancer on the planet. It's no surprise that our consumer paradise has consumed everything in it's sorry path.

We've polluted the water, the air, we're destroying our ecosystem and everything in it. We will pay a price for this mad undertaking.

I think we are evolving to a new reality. Exciting times. Evolution is a funny thing. It's great for life, sometimes not so great for the living. Maybe there's hope for the Clever Monkeys, but it seems we do love a great con. Seems it's in our nature.

Sometimes it's fun to be fooled!