Sunday, February 08, 2009

Local Scene

We are part of a thriving local music scene. Local in like a block away from our apartment. For the last year or so there's been an open mic scheduled every first Saturday of the month at our corner coffee house.

The open mic was spawned by some impromptu summer afternoon guitar sessions, me and a couple of grizzled old cats, sitting out on a lazy summer day, strumming on our git fiddles. Thomas, a great player, with amazing Jazz chops, organized the open mic, and as they say, "if you build it they will come."

He did and they did.

At first there were only a couple of performers, a handful of customers, Saturday night was typically a very slow night. And now the thing is a monster.

Last night there were something like 14 players, and the coffee house was packed, standing room only, with a row of people leaned up against the counter. Plus there were plenty of folks who turned away at the door once they saw we were squeezed in like sardines.

The Lovely Carla and I got there early, got a good seat, ordered up some awesome coffee concoctions, and got our names on the sign-up sheet. We ended up playing third, three songs. I debuted my slide guitar technique, and I'm happy to say, it was a great success. One of our best performances.

It is a great venue. Everyone is there to listen. It can be quite intimidating. But last night was just pure pleasure. The Lovely Carla was singing like her soul was on fire, and I just rode the vibe to sweet bliss.

But the whole show was quite amazing. Folkies, Jazz-bos, rockers, weirdos, professionals, amateurs. Originals and covers. Everything from the sonic landscape from Guns & Roses, Radiohead (you had to be there), Johnny Cash, U2, David Bowie, Beatles, Stones.

Funny songs, sad songs, beautiful songs, ridiculous songs.

There were some old hands and some first-timers. The night ended with a beautiful young girl (maybe 18 years old?) playing a sweet, self-penned lullaby on a banjo. It was like a young angel had decided to come down and serenade us.

Made my heart skip a beat. Then it was over. Wow.