Sunday, February 01, 2009

Get busy and live

My good days I figure we can meet any challenge. Might be the coffee that gives me the confidence. Or my record of survival. Somehow, someway, I have muddled through. Then I extrapolate that to all of us. Somehow, someway we'll all muddle through. Until the muddling is done.

Other days, maybe less good ones, I wonder if the problems we face are all so daunting, that our day of reckoning has got to be right around the corner. As Mr. Taleb would put it, there's a flock of Black Swans ready to swoop down on us and blow our little picture of a happy contented life to smithereens.

Listen to the news, read the papers, put on the Idiot Box and it all starts to seems completely, ridiculously hopeless. Or maybe just ridiculous.

sunny tells me we can tackle every problem head on. dumps tells me we don't have a fricking clue about anything, and only pure dumb luck is gonna get us through. Which is okay. I mean, pure dumb luck can be our friend sometimes. But luck is a fickle friend my friends!

And then another day dawns. Maybe the optimism and the worry are both equally pointless?

Another day. A new one. Unlike any other. Time to get busy and live.