Monday, February 16, 2009

Back to the Garden...

Okay, let's go with worst case scenario...

Everyone, I mean, everyone on the planet loses their job. The whole freaking planet is one long unemployment line. Money, no matter what denomination is worthless, no, less than worthless, I mean just pure trash.

GDP worldwide, shrinks, disappears. The letters GDP no long mean a thing. Everything comes to a screeching halt. No production lines, no printing presses, no power grid. Computers sit looking back at us dull and mute. Can't recharge our ipods. Can't go down to Mickey Ds for a bite.

No freaking lattes. No electric guitars.

No more oil production. No more gasoline. Cars sit in driveways or abandoned on highways and byways.

Feeding ourselves is problem. Heating our homes. Indoor plumbing - gone.

So I guess at that point we all sit down and have a meeting.

Any freaking suggestions?!