Saturday, January 24, 2009

Anarchists Knocking on the Parliament's Door!

Are we all Icelanders now, and just don't know it yet?

"45% of Icelanders are bankrupt. 60% of Icelandic business is bankrupt."

What does this mean for my favorite Icelandic band Sigur Ros? And what of that little sparkling imp Bjork?

Then there's this:

It is the first time in Icelandic history that a young anarchist can well expect to meet his grandmother in the crowd demonstrating against the government and drumming with her kitchen knife on pots and pans. The government is surely hanging by a thin thread and might fall at any moment.

The Icelandic public fear that their country has virtually been stolen by the globetrotting business elite that spent more time rubbing shoulders with international high society than giving back to the society that enabled them to enjoy this privileged lifestyle. Now ordinary Icelanders are determined to take their country back.