Saturday, November 01, 2008

Words to Live By

Not sure why this came to me this morning...

A glimpse into my psyche:

1. Like Willy Loman I sometimes believe I'm riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And really, I don't shine my shoes that often.

2. Like Blanche DuBois I rely on the kindness of strangers. And really, it turns out some aren't so kind.

3. Like Alfred E. Neuman I think "What, me worry?" And really, I do worry.

4. Like John Bradford I say, "There but for the grace of god goes John Bradford." And really, I don't even know who John Bradford is, I mean "me." Or I mean "I." And really when I say "god" I'm thinking something along the lines of the unified field in sub-atomic physics, or a harmonic in music, or the vibration of a color in light.

5. Like the teeming masses I'm always asking "What the Fuck?" And really, I mean it, what the fuck.