Saturday, November 22, 2008

So Bad, It's Really, Really Good!

I don't know if this makes any sense, or not, and that's okay, I'm used to it.

There seems to be some strange calculus we live by. Really bad things happen, or we lose someone or something, and then by some weird inverse calculation, we realize how precious some people and things are and this loss or defeat, leads to some kind of breakthrough, or enlightenment.

The list of really important things kind of gets smaller. And amplified.

Our experience and understanding deepens. So by losing we gain.

So sometimes the pain wakes us up from the numb zombie state that descends upon us as we navigate through the swamps of human existence.

So by this calculus bad shit can lead to good times. An accumulation of bad shit can open a door to euphoria. Dealing with real scumbags can open us to the uncommon beauty of humanity.

What a strange alchemical process. And by that calculus, it seems at this particular time and place, I have never had it so good.