Monday, November 17, 2008

The Kids Who Always Colored Outside the Lines

We had a band rehearsal yesterday afternoon. It's tough giving up watching the Bear game, although it was not a good afternoon for the Bears, they got slaughtered by their long-time rivals the Green Bay Packers.

Sitting on the living room floor watching the Bear game is usually when I come up with my best guitar riffs, (there's something about all that mayhem and testosterone on the TV screen which compels me to strum my guitar aimlessly that leads to new fret-board discoveries), but we have a rock and roll show tonight, yes, that's right, a Monday night show at Reggies Music Joint.

Really looking forward to it. The big draw? $1.00 tacos and $3.00 micro-brews. Who could refuse!?

Anyway, we spent the afternoon at the Peter Jones Gallery running through our catalog of songs, and it turns out there was an art show going on out in the gallery. And there were a handful of artists (one of our favorites - Shirley Hudson) there that we hadn't seen in quite awhile. It was some kind of homecoming. Our people. Some of them we've known for 15 years or so. It's cool to see that they all are still going strong. Making art, exploring new things, keeping the flame burning bright.

These are the Strange Birds. The ones with the shiny, colorful feathers, the ones that don't really belong to any flock, except maybe the flock of no flock.

It hit me - these are the kids who always colored outside the lines.

A beautiful breed.