Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Sorry, I can't resist...

Okay, this is priceless...

I mean if it's McCain/Palin in November where do the Lovely Carla and I (and the birds - refugees!) flee to?

I mean, let's go the whole hog! How about Ted Nugent/ Sarah Palin? Evangelical Dream Ticket??

UPDATE: If Sarah Palin wants to wear bikinis, tote high-powered rifles, thump bibles, deny evolution and bury her head in the sand on climate change (she doesn't think humans have anything to do with it), that's fine by me. I mean, hell, you go girl!

She certainly looks better in a bikini than Cheney or Biden would look in a Speedo (Oh dear god, please banish the vision!), so I guess on the beach-wear front, mark one for the GOP.

What this all really confirms for me is that John McCain is freaking off his rocker! Yikes! Maybe all this will be good for additional laughs (Jon Stewart never had it so good). Hope the joke is not on us.

So, as they say, first time TRAGEDY (BUSH/CHENEY) second time FARCE (MCCAIN/PALIN). Any bets on whether Palin bails before November 4?
What is Britney up to these days?