Wednesday, August 13, 2008


John Robb at Global Guerillas gets to the nub of the Russian Bear: "Russia is, for all intents and purposes, a corporation with the trappings of a nation state."

Isn't it pretty much the same story here? Maybe it's easier to see from a distance, but it's obvious that especially in the last 8 years, USA INC. is a blustering oil-based, oil-addicted, oligarchy too.

Except, we don't have the goods any more. So we are a failing, flailing oil power. How to remedy the situation? Well, the executives of this corporation turned to war, to torture, to lies of every shape and form.

We watched it all happen. And kind of let it fly.

But as Malcolm X once so famously said, "the chickens are coming home to roost."

One of the lies I live with: the Truth will out, the truth will set us free. I do think finally some hard truths will clobber us over the head, and once we recover from the shock of it all - a new day dawns!