Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Ghost of Tom Joad

Springsteen might be playing tonight in Denver after Barack Obama makes history (Is that how it goes, a man/woman "makes history," or history makes the man/or woman?). I'd like to see Bruce do this one. Check it out. Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine in a guitar duet with the Boss.

"Now tom said mom, wherever theres a cop beatin a guy
Wherever a hungry newborn baby cries
Where theres a fight against the blood and hatred in the air
Look for me mom Ill be there
Wherever theres somebody fightin for a place to stand
Or a decent job or a helpin hand
Wherever somebodys strugglin to be free
Look in their eyes mom youll see me.
Well the highway is alive tonight
But nobodys kiddin nobody about where it goes
Im sittin down here in the campfire light
With the ghost of old tom joad"