Friday, July 25, 2008

Citizen of the World

Now that's more like it. An American in Berlin. Proclaiming a shared responsibility. Stunning. I don't want to totally blow it all out of proportion, (although I'm gonna do just that!), but for me this has great resonance. When Barack Obama stands in front of 200,000 cheering Berliners and declares that he is a "citizen of the world," it makes me think - "right man, right time."

I do think he's riding a wave. It's bigger than him. Bigger than us.

It is not "Change we can believe in," it is "Change we desperately need - NOW!"

Kind of makes me think of John, Paul, George and Ringo getting off that plane in New York for the first time. Or Michael Jordan lacing up his Air Jordans and getting ready to take the court in Chicago for the first time. Or Madonna appearing in one of her first provocative music videos. Or Nelson Mandela walking out of prison and into the Presidential suite in South Africa. Or Jimi Hendrix strapping on his white Strat and taking the stage at Monterey.

Or really, it's not like any of the above.

Just one of those moments where it all crystalizes. A new moment unlike the one before it. And then everything is different.