Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Be Like the Worm

One of the things that came out of our soul-searching weekend (see previous post) was a long rambling discussion of worms. Our friend Masha works at a greenhouse and worm farm where worms do the work of transforming garbage into "rich, dark, earth-smelling soil conditioner." The Lovely Carla is just itching to start a worm composting system at our lovely abode. The Lovely Melissa has one going in her place in Queens (I was unable to locate her post on the subject).

Since humans produce garbage at an alarming rate, I do believe worms could be the next IPOD!

We need to be like the worm - take the things of the world into ourselves and transform them. To bring something inside of us, submit to it, surround it, engulf it, and by doing so, change it, turning the garbage of the world into gold (or in this particular case worm shit, which is the same thing!). I know, the worm output seems so lowly, so worthless, but in fact it is an essential step forward in a new cycle of life, birth, creation.

Now that's amazing!

So yes, Shakespeare talked about Conqueror Worm - to the worm, the pauper, the king, are the same. I think we have a visceral dislike of worms because we know that if and when we are planted in the ground, we too will be food for the worms. But take heart dear Pilgrim, being consumed by worms is just the first step in our next evolution. Traveling through the guts of a worm is like going through a WORMHOLE! We enter as one thing, and exit as another thing. Life after death Sweet Thing!

And that's how we conquer time! So it's time to embrace the worm, to be like the worm. They aren't just worms, they are little elongated doorways to new worlds!