Thursday, July 17, 2008


Al Gore's Moon Shot. This is oh so necessary. No one has been talking the talk on this one. At least Al Gore, Man Who Would Be President, lays down a marker.

This is a tremendous challenge for the human race.* First, we need to get our heads around the concept of thinking as human beings first - with a common purpose. If we do nothing it seems clear we will kill this lovely little planet - we will burn up - the end of the world will be fire and flood and probably a rain of angry frogs too.

So yes, a decades worth of effort led to Neil Armstrong playing golf on that desolate rock up in space. We did it! Now how about taking care of business here? Seems like a much more worthy goal. Plus the alternative really, really sucks.

*Lately I've seen first hand how thinking about energy has changed dramatically. It's kind of like suddenly the fish started to notice the water in the aquarium. There is a tremendous market of innovation ready to emerge. The forward thinkers are there already.