Sunday, June 01, 2008

"Open your eyes, look up into the skies and see..." - Freddy Mercury

I realize this is a little "Wayne's World-ish" but last night while the Lovely Carla was watching old seasons of Gilmore Girls, I was surfing YouTube and came across this video from the Freddy Mercury Tribute concert in the 80's (it was actually in 1992!).  

Was "Bohemian Rhapsody" one of the most improbable Top Forty hits ever?  Check this out - Elton John and Axl Rose give it a big-time rock star performance.  Kind of mind-boggling - is Elton wearing a toupee, did Axl ever take off that bandanna?   Is there a cooler guitarist than Brian May?  I mean the guy also has a degree in Cosmology or something (actually ASTROPHYSICS!) and he designed and built his own guitar from scratch.  Do the Fandango!