Thursday, May 29, 2008

ZaZen Wednesdays

Back in the old days, when I was just a little tot, there was an ad campaign for Prince spaghetti. They put forth the idea that Wednesday was Prince spaghetti day.  Not sure how many families actually adopted that idea, I know we had spaghetti frequently, but I'm not sure if it was always or ever on Wednesdays.

Lately, Wednesday has been Zen meditation day.  So yes, it was back to the black cushion and the blank wall for us.  I'm sort of getting into this pursuit, or really non-pursuit of nothingness, which as they say is the same as something-ness or maybe not.  So there really is no pursuit of anything. And that's what we seek by not seeking.  Or something like that.

Anyway, my take away from the session last night: the real world is our teacher.  Even if  reality is not real and it teaches us nothing.  Got it!