Monday, May 19, 2008

"It's Getting Heavy." - Wayne Coyne, Flaming Lips

Went to the Green Festival Saturday over on Navy Pier in Chicago.  Listened to some smart people talk about the dire straits we find ourselves in at the moment.  The planet is in crisis. Too many human beings running around the planet acting as if they own the place.  Wasn't it Sitting Bull who told us that a man can't own the land, the sky, the air, the plants and animals?

No one listened to that wise old Indian at the time.  Maybe some folks are starting to listen now. Anyway, there are glimmers of  hope.  We are clever monkeys.  Maybe self-preservation will motivate us to live more responsibly?  I'm not holding my breath on that one.

Major changes need to happen in a short amount of time.

The Lovely Carla is hoping for some great transformative consciousness that will propel us to a new era.  I like the vision, but I'm unsure of how you get from here to there.  Maybe we can somehow channel the greed, the selfishness, the ego - to trick ourselves into doing the right thing in spite of ourselves?

Anyway, it was a necessary trip.  No one man or woman is gonna solve this one.  It's gonna take a lot of really smart people to kind of carry this through, and then everyone else is gonna have to jump onboard to try to make this work.

Otherwise, I guess our legacy will be that we overran the place, trashed it, killed everything on it, and split.  Not very inspiring.