Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Catch the Wind

Nothing stands still. For instance, this country (if you can talk about countries as if they are one thing) isn't what it used to be. Sometimes it's hard to tell. All you see is what it was, can't quite tell what it is, and certainly don't know what it's gonna be. So there's hope and wonder and a sort of dread all mixed up in that.

So knowing what I know, and having seen what I've seen, I sometimes doubt whether things could work out as well as I sometimes conjure up. Then again, I can sometimes get carried away, and I know for sure that because some things are so bad, that change is in the air, and things could actually be so good. Destiny like a pinball game.

I have to try not to let what I know, get in the way of what is, and what could or will be.

And then what happens happens and then we all decide what happened and what it means - and already we are behind the times just trying to catch the wind.