Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Straight Arrow!

Eliot Spitzer: Governor of New York, shining star of the Democratic party, crusader against corruption, Eliot Ness, straight arrow.

It seems that maybe his arrow was just a little too straight.

I mean, what happens behind closed doors with two consenting adults is nobody's biz. But, if you make your reputation on bringing down Wall Street robbers, and holding up the letter of the law, well, one should make sure you don't drop letters either.

It will be interesting to see if the other shoe drops. Why were the Feds wire-tapping the Governor of New York? This dude had a lot of enemies. In some circles, high priced call girls are just the perks of power, but that's not supposed to be part of the Eliot Ness portfolio.

UPDATE: I'm thinking this could be a step up. I know nothing about the man except he's a Democrat, an African American, and legally blind! That sounds like a winning combo right there!