Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Clear As Mud

Ohio - not so close. Texas - close. Goes to Clinton. Maybe that 3:00 a.m. phone call ad was effective? What do I know?

I watched McCain claim the Republican nomination. Was he pleased? Hard to tell.

Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode" blared from speakers after McCain's speech. I guess it's McCain's theme song. A telling choice. A great, seminal song. One of the towering achievements in rock and roll history. You've heard that Berry guitar lick played over and over by millions of guitar players from all across the universe - from garage bands to stadium tours.

It was written in 1958! I think McCain wants to be President of that America. A long time ago, in a land far away. Post Korea, Cold War, pre-sixties, pre-civil rights, pre-feminist revolution, pre-pill, black and white TV, no home computers, no internet, no ipod - no Britney!

A time never to be repeated - okay, maybe in an alternate universe. But really did that time and place ever really exist?

UPDATE: McCain served in Viet Nam, captured, tortured, war hero. I just flashed on the idea, that even back then, in the sixties, McCain was a man out of time, he went to fight World War Two, and he finds himself at the Hanoi Hilton. Could be the premise for a sci-fi flick.