Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Joke

I suppose I don't have to remind the transplanted Arizonians I know, or the transplanted LA Angels out there somewhere in the blogosphere that living in Chicago in the winter is sort of like living in a freezer, or meat locker. The sun is just a dim bulb that rarely makes a visit. We've had some good snowstorms lately, ice storms, freezing rain. OK, ok, I know the weather is boring. I hate weather stories myself. I usually immediately switch the channel when some dude with a map of isobars pops up, but sometimes the weather wants to be heard!

Yesterday was just ridiculous. We trudged through wind, ice, snow, slush. We were dressed like Eskimos. We were dressed ridiculously. Big, funny-looking hats, oversize mittens, big clunky boots. I mean, we looked stupid. Like big cartoon versions of characters with no fashion sense. Makes you want to laugh. I think living here ups the levity factor. Except, of course, if you get so damn depressed you just up and off yourself. But, even that seems just so stupid and ridiculous. No way we can take anything that seriously. It's all just so dark, and cold, and messy. Makes you want to laugh until the tears start dribbling down your cheeks! But of course, they'd instead just freeze in place!