Monday, January 07, 2008

The Medium

My 2008 started inauspiciously. I was knocked out by a bad cold for a whole week. Laid low by a germ. It was a reminder that my body is not always my friend, or if it is my friend, sometimes it's cranky, and it has it's own agenda. It also brought home the idea, no, probably better to say, the "experience" that I am (all of us are), more than my body. There's an energy or spirit that is more than just mucous and sweat, that seems to transcend the cell structure that's responsible for the moving parts. Even if I put on my skeptic's hat, this feeling of transcendence comes to me as a real (whatever that means) phenomena.

So I'm in a shamanistic frame of mind today. I am the medium (the monkey in the middle?), between the material and the spiritual. Finally the sickness has passed, and I'm feeling renewed from the Invision session (see previous post), yesterday. It's somewhat cool, or maybe even real cool to go to a place where other seekers meet to work on "another level," beyond the material.

So finally I feel the new year has begun. Last year there was much pain and blood-letting, a lot confusion and a lot of creativity and exploration too. I straddled the valley of destruction and creation (sounds like a new housing development?). Not a bad place to be.

It was good to let it all go, to open a new space for what comes next. And well, what comes next? As per some sage advice given yesterday, maybe it's best to experience whatever comes and worry about meanings later, maybe much, much later.