Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Is there life on Mars?

My friend Kris commented on my post yesterday, "you just hate being lied to." That's right, so simple, so clear. Sometimes you don't even see the baseball bat whapping you upside your head.

And the lies keep piling up every day, from every corner. Shit, I mean, we even pay people to lie to us! It all leaves me just an ornery mongrel. Grrrrrrrr!

Last night I watched the History Channel. Is there life on Mars? Didn't David Bowie tackle that subject? Anyway, there was something refreshing about seeing that big red planet, so empty, so open, just spinning around, no bullshit, no lies. Just a big old planet. Not trying to con anyone, or sell anything, or make em see a world that doesn't exist. Refreshing!