Sunday, January 27, 2008

If the man had any integrity, he'd say, "Sorry, I fucked up! Sorry for the fear-mongering, death, corruption, incompetence, lies, etc."

George Bush will be giving his State of the Union speech Monday. His last such speech. He will actually stand up in front of the Senate and House and tell them how great things are going.

And they won't stone him, or shout him down, or rush the podium and take him and bundle him off to a psychiatric ward or ship him off to the Hague for a speedy start to his War Crimes Tribunal - Crimes Against Humanity!


The joke's on us...

UPDATE: I suppose an argument could be made that if you have two Oil Men running the most powerful empire in the world, and their one and only concern is oil - the extraction, the distribution, the selling, the profiting from, etc. - all else is irrelevant: the wars, the blood, the torture, the lies, the corruption, the debt, the indifference, the arrogance, the debasement of the people. Through that prism, maybe BushCo. and their fucking cronies can be judged as doing only what they should have been expected to do.