Saturday, January 19, 2008

From the Author of "Death of a Fucking Salesman"

According to IMDB that was how the actors on set referred to "Glengarry Glen Ross" during the shoot. Hands down one of the greatest American flicks ever committed to celluloid; a little fugue on sales, despair, capitalism, wrecked dreams, false hopes, the whole kit and kaboodle. IMDB: "During filming, members of the cast who weren't required to be on the set certain days would show up anyway to watch the other actors' performances."

IMDB also tells us that during the film, the word "fuck" and its derivatives are uttered 138 times. The word "shit" and its derivatives are uttered 50 times. (I'm so glad somebody tallied it all!).

David Mamet is one of the great "only in America" voices. Here he is weighing in on our badly listing ship of state:

"The good news is it’s a spectacular country. We’ve been around for 230 years in spite of human nature, because that’s what the Constitution is all about. It’s saying, of course everyone’s gonna try and take control. Of course they’re gonna subvert every law that’s supposed to keep them in line. Of course the president is gonna want to be imperial, of course Congress is gonna want to become obstructionist, of course the judges are gonna be activist. Duh. They figured this out in 1787 and drew up a few sheets of paper that have kept the country in line. It’s a great place to live." - David Mamet