Sunday, December 09, 2007


It's Sunday. Maybe my outrage should take a rest for a day. But you know what? A little Mocha Java and I'm fucking fired up. I don't agree with Andrew Sullivan on a lot of issues, but on torture I think he consistently gets it right. Yes. It's not new news, but we have a war criminal in the White House. I mean, at least two of them. I see that Joe Biden is calling for an independent prosecutor to sort things out. Sounds like a good first step. Any other Democrats want to weigh in? I know it's primary season, candidates are careful not to take controversial stands, but this seems like a "no shit Sherlock" moment. Biden is known to be a little bit of a blowhard. But now is a time to blow hard on this corrupt house of cards. I mean FUCKING REALLY?!

EDITORIAL NOTE: Sorry for the excessive, almost Tourette's stream of "fucks" lately. But you know, what the fuck?!

UPATE: I'm thinking to myself, "why the outrage?" I guess, to answer myself, "it's either outrage or despair." Or actually it's probably outrage and despair. I was born here, I'm trying to make a life here. I pay taxes, I vote. I sort of give a shit about who represents me in the world. It's kind of that existential conundrum (Satre and Camus - those dudes with the berets would undersatnd), I am responsible, even for the things I seemingly have no control over. Eventhough, I am powerless - or no, not powerless, I could leave the country, I could stop paying taxes. I could go to jail in protest. But, well, I'm not willing to go that far. So instead, I throw these words out into the blogosphere, I live with the responsibility, the guilt. I feel responsible and guilty for the things some fat fuck in Washington is doing or not doing in my name. Is that the Liberal's disease? Is it preposterous? The only things I seem to be left with - anger, outrage, despair. And laughter. Cynical, sardonic. How not to get hardened, corrupted by all the shit too? So it's maybe not necessarily the good kind of laughter, more like the "laughing past the graveyard" kind of laughter. Here it comes again: FUCK!

UPDATE #2: As Glen Greenwald points out, and as per an article in the Washington Post today, key Democrats on the "Intelligence" Committee were briefed on, and enabled, the torture atrocities. Rockefeller, Graham, Pelosi, Harman (supposedly Harman wrote a letter of protest, but all the others were silent). This is a bi-partisan scandal. I suppose the "fear of terrorism" made all these highly-paid fucks crumble like little fortune cookies. It's safe to say that yes, the terrorists did win. It's amazing how quickly our government gave up on some core principles that define a civilized, law-abiding nation. All we are really left with is a country of brute power, blood and rivers of cash. It's a hollow republic and we are truly fucked! Have a nice day!