Thursday, December 20, 2007

"This Car Available"

Hey, well, check it out, the little band that the Lovely Carla and I started, WWSP, has finally entered the world of digital downloads. Our new release, "This Car Available," can now be purchased over at Whitewolfsonicprincess (wwsp) - This Car Available I've also added a permanent link on the right for future reference. We've been working on these songs for the last year or so, writing and recording them in our little home studio. It has been a labor of love.

"This Car Available" is made up of thirteen songs. The album represents a rewarding and unique collaboration, and a melding of minds. It's been a real blast to make these sounds. This is just a first step for us. We've been working with two other musicians, Sara on bass and Sanjay on drums and we are honing a unique live sound. We've done a number of shows in and around Chicago, playing some great rooms like Uncommon Ground, the Elbo Room, the Red Line Tap, Sylvies, the Skylark. And we plan on booking many more shows in the coming new year.

We hope to have a CD release party in early 2008. Anyway, it's kind of cool to be out in the ether, on iTunes with all those other great artists from Elvis to Elvis! One small step for a human, one great step for a band!