Sunday, December 30, 2007

Love All Around

Our band, WWSP (minus our dazzling bass player Sara), played the Elbo Room last night. We were the openers on a 5 band bill. Maybe it was because of the holidays or because it was a Saturday, or maybe the stars just aligned, but many of our friends and family came out to see us. It was such a rewarding experience. I thought we put on a really tight, high-energy set (even though at one point I stepped on my guitar cable and unplugged in the middle of a song - which actually added to the drama, and our great drummer Sanjay filled the resulting sonic void with some great drum and cymbal work).

We stayed out quite late, in fact, we stayed for the whole show watched all the other bands too. It was all so exhilarating. I should be exhausted, but no, I'm fired up today, listening to Arcade Fire's "Neon Bible." Check out this cool link! At first listen the new disc didn't bowl me over, like their first disc "Funeral," did, but on repeated listens, it is really starting to grow on me. I really love that band. I love ours too.